
Group: DynoMotion Message: 226 From: Azd M Date: 3/18/2010
Subject: Servo System bias compensation
Hi All,
I am using a servo driver which has a bias reference input. therefore when the Kflop axis sends a zero DAC the motor moves. Is there anyway to have the DAC output inside the Kflop biased to some constant value? I guess a component simillar to the deadband that can generate this bias refernce will be very helpful in this situation.
What do you think?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 227 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/18/2010
Subject: Re: Servo System bias compensation
You can set an output offset in C code using:
chan[X].OutputOffset = K;
where X is the axis number and K is the DAC offset.  When the axis is disabled the value K will be sent to the DAC.
But the best way to be sure to have no motion is to disable the amplifier.